Berkshire Hathaway

271 days ago

BREAKING: Carl Icahn, the man who’s done better than Buffett hammers the corruption of the corporate world

Since the start of this century, Carl Icahn’s IEP has delivered an annualised return with dividends reinvested of 12.8%. That Buffett fellow has managed just 10.8% at Berkshire Hathaway while the S&P has delivered just 6.9%, the Dow 7.4% an d the Nasdaq 100 7.1%. Icahn’s aggressive corporate activism has paid off.


432 days ago

Warren Buffett warns on CEOs who are economic illiterates or silver-tongued demagogues

The latest report from Berkshire Hathaway is out and, after a good 2022, Warren Buffett does not hold back. Enjoy.


1155 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I can't see any reason to buy Berkshire Hathaway right now, au contraire

Perhaps the weather has got to me but I feel far more optimistic about the economy and life than I did a few months ago. I discuss this and also whether Berkhire Hathaway shares are a buy or a sell.


1155 days ago

Warren Buffett publishes his annual letter

As ever there will be folks writing off 90 year old Warren and his 97 year old business partner Charlie Munger. Berkshire Hathaway underperformed the S&P in 2020 as it did in 2019. But since 1965 it has delivered an annual return of just over 20%, the S&P just over 10%. The man is a genius and does not hold back. His top quote this year is:


1532 days ago

Warren Buffett's annual letter to shareholders: inappropriate directors & boardroom greed attacked

In his annual letter to shareholders in Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett takes a side swipe at investors who ignore value and just hope for an earnings beat and has a read dig at the boardroom greed of NEDs which he argues comprimises independence. Then, as he notes the clamour for more female directors he suggests that what matters is having folks who understand business and are capable. Enjoy. 


3638 days ago

Legendary Investments Announces Successful Placing but talks bollocks

AIM Cesspit listed Legendary Investments (LEG) has today issued a release headlined “successful placing”. How does it define success? Meanwhile , how I define “talking complete and utter bollocks?”

Legendary has raised £900,000 at 0.11p with “a range of institutional and private investors” In plain English that means bucket shops and other flippers. The chances of one finding that Fidelity, Black Rock and Berkshire Hathaway have joined the shareholder register are somewhat slim.
